Junction Foot and Ankle Group is pleased to be able to offer our patients a new and effective treatment in the management of chronic foot pain.
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy or ESWT was developed from technology using high energy shock waves to break up kidney stones.
We use the Swiss Doloclast Shock Wave device. A specialised probe delivers very specific and focused high energy shock waves into a target area, increasing vascular flow and improving healing with an 80% clinical effectiveness in the treatment of chronic painful conditions such as plantar heel pain (plantar fasciitis) and Achilles Tendon pain.
As part of the consultation with your Podiatrist, a complete and thorough history and physical examination of your complaint will be undertaken to determine your suitability for ESWT. If you have X-rays and/or ultrasound investigation, please advise your Podiatrist.
Please note: you must inform your Podiatrist if you are on anticoagulant therapy (blood thinning medication), as you will not be suitable for ESWT due to increased risk of haematomas (localised internal bleeding). ESWT increases blood flow and improves healing by triggering and activating cellular events showing clinically significant improvements of 78.38% in Achilles Tendon pathology and 82% success when combined with other treatment modalities, and significantly improves planter heel pain commonly known as heel spur syndrome or plantar fasciitis.
Patients presenting for ESWT generally require 3 treatment sessions, although patients may achieve some pain relief after the first treatment. After 3 ESWT treatments you and your Podiatrist will determine if additional treatments would be beneficial, depending on your progress but for most patients 3 sessions are adequate. ESWT is a safe and effective pain management technique especially when used in conjunction with appropriate stretching and other treatment modalities. Treatment sessions are most effective when spaced at 7–10 day intervals.