So, why do my heels become so cracked in summer? Of course, cracked heels bother patients more in summer, as boots and socks are peeled off in favour of relaxed, open footwear. But some summer footwear styles also contribute to the condition, as backless shoes like thongs and slides don’t support the heel, let skin dry out, and can create friction on thick skin that causes the layers to split.
The most common cause of cracked heels is a lack of moisture. The skin around our heels has sweat glands. Fat supports the skin to become soft, and prevents it from becoming dry. If your skin is really dry, cracked skin appears more easily due to less elasticity.
While there is a wide range of causes and habits that exacerbate dry heels, certain skin profiles are more prone than others to drying out. The podiatrists at Junction Foot and Ankle Group explain: “Genetics can play a part – sometimes treat whole families and they all present with skin that is more dry and calloused than most.
We often hear people say things like – I have my Grandmother’s rough feet, I wish I got her hair instead!” laughs the team at Junction. “The fact is, it is not their fault. Cracked heels are an easy fix – the important thing is to keep on top of them regularly so they don’t become painful and lead to other conditions”.
We recommend regular visits to the podiatrist in the summer months to reduce the dry, hard skin and cracks. Between podiatry visits use cream regularly. It’s wise to use a specific foot cream, not just a normal moisturiser. Body creams are usually too thin and greasy to be of much use to thick heels. Also, look for emollients that contain urea in the ingredients list. It has amazing properties and holds water molecules” she advises.
Often people don’t start using cream daily until after a few weeks of seeing their podiatrist – they wait until the dry skin builds up again. But like anything, prevention is better than cure and if you pop cream on every night before bed, your lovely new soft skin will stay that way for longer and you won’t be embarrassed to wear your thongs!
And on the subject of thongs, there are thongs, and then there are thongs…while we do not recommend wearing them 24/7, a dry Perth summer is difficult to get through without wearing the old double pluggers at some stage! Come in and have a look at the range of thongs we have which have specific arch support and cushioning - we think they are the most comfortable thongs in the world!